7 Chocolate Labels and Designs That Will Tempt Any Chocolate Non-Eater

chocolate label design

In celebration of the National Chocolate Day, we decided not only to eat chocolate all day long on October 28, but also to learn something new. For example, all of us know pretty well how chocolate is consumed. Many of us will even claim that are experts in the field. But how many of you really know how chocolate is made?

It is presumed that chocolate beverages have been in use for over three thousand years, which basically makes chocolate almost as old as first great civilizations and even older than written language in Mesoamerica. This beautiful product comes from the tropical cacao tree that has a strong, bitter taste, so cocoa seeds need to be fermented. Afterwards the beans are dried and roasted, the shell is removed and the cacao nibs that are left are ground into cocoa mass which is then liquefied – that is called chocolate liquor and it can be made into solids or butter.

How Chocolate Labels and Packaging Affect Consumers

The production process is usually of less interest to consumers. What they relish in is the taste of chocolate, but true chocolate connoisseurs also appreciate one more thing – how chocolate is packaged. The product’s packaging and labels go a long way. When they are stylishly designed, they can be to blame for breaking chocolate non-eaters’ vow not to eat this delicious treat.

There are too many chocolate brands, wrappers and chocolate labels in the world for us to even mention them here, but today we decided to share with you 7 designs that we especially like. This collection of lovingly created designs might inspire you to try to create something similar using Labeley.

1) Let’s start with a classic clean look of the Green & Black’s chocolate packaging designs. All the important information about the product is visible, and the simple design shows elegance, class and authority.

Continue reading »7 Chocolate Labels and Designs That Will Tempt Any Chocolate Non-Eater

Friday Tips for Beer Labeling on a Budget

Homebrew Beer Label

Labeley offers lots of options for designing all types of custom labels, but did you know that it started out as a beer label maker? Yes, it’s original and single purpose was to help homebrewers brand their beverage. Though it provides more services now, it seems that beer labeling is still the most popular type of labeling with our app.

If you’ve just heard about Labeley now, here’s a quick introduction:

Continue reading »Friday Tips for Beer Labeling on a Budget