Spread Love This Valentine’s Day Using Romantic Labels You Designed

Once again we’re thrown into the mass hysteria of the greatest love holiday in the Western hemisphere. With only a few days left until Valentine’s Day, a large percentage of people are getting ready to surprise their loved ones with some sort of romantic gift. Those are usually: candy, flowers, jewelry, romantic dinners, or something more imaginative. Though everyone knows that love should be shared and expressed all throughout the year, Valentine’s Day inspires people to soften up and make some serious decisions, which is why there are so many marriage proposals (about 6 million!) exactly on this day.

The Origins of The Most Romantic Holiday

How did it all start, do you know? Unfortunately, there are no clear records of how Valentine’s Day originated. What we know for sure is that there were a couple of Catholic priests who were called Valentines and who were martyred in the third century. For one of them it is said that he tried to convert the Roman emperor Claudius to Christianity, which is why he was executed. But while he was in jail, his jailer’s daughter visited him and he cured her blindness. They possibly fell in love and he left her a note which was signed “Your Valentine”. That’s how the expression “From your Valentine” supposedly originated.

Another Catholic priest called Valentine was persecuted by the Roman emperor because he performed marriages against the emperor’s command. Again, this is a legend so we can’t be sure this is what really happened. But according to the story, the emperor forbade his men to marry because he believed they were stronger in wars when not distracted by women and marriage. However, the priest disobeyed the order and married lovers in secret. However, the secret was revealed and Valentine was executed.

Some people also associate Valentine’s with a pagan Roman fertility festival Lupercalia which was performed mid-February in the early centuries of the new era. However, it was only centuries later that February 14th and Valentine’s Day became associated with love and romance.

How to Use Romantic Labels to Show Your Love

If you’re among the majority of people who get excited about Valentine’s Day and like to honor the day by doing something extra romantic, here’s an idea that will certainly make your holiday surprise a little different this year. Make unique romantic labels using Labeley, the free online label maker. First we’ll show you how to do that, and then we’ll tell you how to use the labels.

Visit Labeley and Start Designing.

Choose any of the categories that Labeley offers and explore their design options (graphics, backgrounds, fonts). Then settle on one category that you like the most.

Don’t worry if you don’t find any graphic that you like for this particular occasion. Labeley allows you to upload any image you want and completely personalize your romantic label.

Let’s say you choose the General category. Click on any shape you like on the left hand side.

Now click on Border and Background options to select design options that you like. This is the only category that doesn’t have graphic templates. Go ahead and click on the Upload option to select any romantic image you want for your label. It can be a photo of your partner, or any other love symbol you like. Search for appropriate image on some free photo sharing website.

Now go to the Text option and click on Create Text. Here you’ll be given numerous options for writing out appropriate text on your label. Write in the box that says “Enter text here” and choose your desired font, color, width, etc.

In the end you can go back to all the design options and change them, if you don’t like what you created. It’s really easy to do. And here’s a romantic label we created in only a few minutes:

Now you can go ahead and print out several of these labels and apply them to different objects in your home, so that your partner can keep finding them all throughout the day. First, you can put them up on a visible place: on curtains, the door (so they’ll see the note when they leave for work), on the refrigerator. Then you can apply them to the toothbrush, remote control, inside the book they are reading, etc. Let love guide your imagination!

You can also simply send this label as a card the traditional way: via snail mail.

Hopefully you’ll have fun exploring Labeley and ways it can help you plan the perfect Valentine’s Day. Enjoy spreading the love!

How to Throw a Superhero Themed Party Using Labeley

There’s no age limit to being a superhero comic book or movie fan. The superhero mania is so widespread that the movie and toy industries thrive on people’s desire to possess all sorts of superhero objects: from Halloween costumes and T-shirts, to party accessories, mugs, alarm clocks, and other entertainment and home decor objects.

Some of the best known superheroes are Superman, Spiderman, Batman, X-men, Spawn, Conan, Sandman, Asterix and Hellboy.

Hence, when it comes to your choice of superhero for a party costume or T-shirt, it is really wide. Often it is not easy to choose, because different characters have different super powers or skills, and it’s difficult to decide who’s the most powerful. There are many debates, especially among kids, about who the most powerful superhero is. Some claim it’s Superman, others put their bets on Batman, Spiderman or Hulk…

If you belong to this this important club of comic book hero fans, here’s an idea for your next party: create completely personalized labels with images of different superheroes and apply them to beverage, wine and beer bottles or glasses. If you’re going to a party, a box full of superhero-labeled beer bottles will be a very welcome and unique gift.

Create Superhero Labels Using the Labeley App

If you’re new to this blog, it will help you to first go through this easy tutorial on using Labeley. You’ll get the hang of using the app quickly, because it is very intuitive and easy to figure out.

Here’s how to create awesome superhero labels:

Continue reading »How to Throw a Superhero Themed Party Using Labeley

Spook Your Friends with These Scarily Fun Halloween Labels

Halloween labels

Every year in October we can rely on having crazy fun dressing up in scary costumes and spooking our friends properly. It’s that time of the year again and though Halloween is not until the end of the month, preparations are well under way. It’s not like you can get ready for Halloween in a day, or even a week. And while you’re thinking about how to dress up this time and be super original, there’s something you can do right away: create fun Halloween labels and apply them to stuff in your office, around your home, or send them as Halloween party invitations (if you’re the party host this year).

Labeley is the right place for creating perfect Halloween labels. Until recently, the platform mostly focused on wine, beer and kids stickers, as well as on labels for general purposes. However, its newest holidays category addition with tons of delightful illustrations will make planning out the upcoming holiday season even more inspiring. Since the season starts with Halloween, let’s see how you can create stickers that will both amuse and terrify your friends, coworkers, etc.

How to Design Eerie Stickers with Labeley

Continue reading »Spook Your Friends with These Scarily Fun Halloween Labels

Intro to Labeley: Making the Most Out of Free Online Label Creation

The best thing about Labeley, apart from the fact that it’s free, easy-to-use and registration is on a voluntary basis only, is that it can transform an ordinary person into a talented artist. It is almost as if Labeley gives you superpowers. And this superpower of having attractive design skills not only makes you feel good, but it can also make you look good around your friends, bring you points at work and help you get started with your own business idea.

This might sound too good to be true, but it’s not entirely. For example, the author of this particular blog post is no expert at design. Photoshop? Sounds familiar. But when she uses Labeley, that’s when the magic happens — with only a few clicks of the mouse and no more than two minutes of her time, she can make this:

Imagine what she’d do in four minutes!


If you like what you see, get ready for a truly easy tutorial that will help you get started with Labeley and design personalized labels without much effort.

Continue reading »Intro to Labeley: Making the Most Out of Free Online Label Creation